Ardagh, Philip
The Grunts are in a Jam

When Mrs. Grunt's mother, the gloomy Ma Lunge, enters a Preserves, Jams and Jellies competition, what could possibly go wrong? Plenty. Add a nose-bite squirrel, escaped bees, rogue fireworks and crashing biplanes, and you'll see why poor Sunny and Mimi have a lot on their plate. And that's before the Grunts end up in jail.

Altersempfehlung: ab 12 Jahren.

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Medium erhältlich in:
10 KÖB St. Katharina Kohlscheid, Herzogenrath

Serie / Reihe: The Grunts

Personen: Ardagh, Philip

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig englisch

Ardagh, Philip:
The Grunts are in a Jam / Philip Ardagh. - Erstaufl. - London : Nosy Crow Ltd., 2014 : zahlr. Ill. - (The Grunts)
ISBN 978-0-85763-075-9 fest geb. : EUR 11,30

Zugangsnummer: 2014/0504 - Barcode: 2-1110120-6-00011893-4
Kindermedien (8 bis12 Jahre) - Signatur: Ardag - Buch