Business Spotlight 2021 - Ausgabe Heft 03 Einfach Besser Business-Englisch

6. Names and News -The latest from the business world
10. Head to head-should the United States have universal healthcare?

12. Britain Today - A brighter future for Britain?
20. Culture Comment - Peter Franklin on Britain's view of Germany and the Germans
23. Women at work: Restless millennials

24. Business Skills - Tips for writing polite emails.
28. Intercultural Business - An Austrian based in the UK takes her green cloud-server company to her home country

32. Small businesses - The benefits firms need to offer to attact and keep talent
34. Leadership - How to define roles-your own and those of your team members
38. Career Coach - Bo Graesborg on the best ways to sell your successes

40. English for...Magazine publishing
42. Skill up! The language of climate change
44. Talking finance - Song rights for sale.
45. Key Words. "What is the bottom line"?
46. Short story - Reunion
48. Test. Assess your language skills

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Serie / Reihe: Business Spotlight

Standort: BSP

Schlagwörter: Englisch Großbritannien Fachsprache Karriere Sprachgebrauch Interkulturelle Kommunikation Sprechfertigkeit

Business Spotlight 2021 - Ausgabe Heft 03 : Einfach Besser Business-Englisch. - München : Spotlight Verlag, 2021. - 51 Seiten. - (Business Spotlight; Heft 03)
EAN 4195378407905 : EUR 7.90

Zugangsnummer: 00001887 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00013373-9
Zeitschriften - Signatur: QA 2021-07 - Zeitschriftenheft