Business Spotlight 2023/02 English for your work and life


6 The Big Picture - Manhattan´s new skyline
8 Names and News - the latest from the business world
10 Bites and Bytes - News and numbers on the internet
Innovation - Enviroment and medicine
12 Profile: Abdullahi Alim - founder of The Davos Lab
14 Profile: Diane Hendricks - billionaire businesswoman
16 Head-to-Head - Should brands take a stance on social issues?
18 Global Business -Why is inflation bad for everyone?
22 Start-Up - Reduce e-waste with devices you can repair
24 New Work -. Reimagining office design
29 Waht if... What if the war continues for years?

30 Around the World - The US state of Texas - life on the border with Mexico
34 Business Skills - Build a better workplace culture

37 Career Changer - Claudia Warias talks about what it means to be a career coach
38 CareerCoach - Successful teamwork means understanding each other´s values

42 English for.. an art museum
44 Skill Up! Describing trends
48 Test - Assess your language skills

Regular Sections
3 Editorial
50 Freestyle - A quiz on business acronyms
51 Preview/Impressum

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Standort: BSP

Schlagwörter: Internet Englisch Künstliche Intelligenz Nachhaltigkeit Karriere Innovation Pflege Social Media Business Klimawandel Firmen Gesetze Greenwashing Verkehrssicherheit Lebensmittelverschwendung Wein LinkedIn Pitch After-Work

Business Spotlight 2023/02 : English for your work and life. - München : ZEIT SPRACHEN, 2023. - 3-51 Seiten
ISSN 1617-1888 Festeinband : EUR 7,90

Zugangsnummer: 00016125 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00017971-3
Zeitschriften - Signatur: QA 10000 - Zeitschriftenheft