Polhemus, Ted
Fashion & Anti-fashion exploring adornment and dress from an anthropological perspective ; a classic text from 1978 with a new introduction and postscript for the 21st century

Exploring adornment and dress from an anthropological perspective - a classic text from 1978 revised with a new introduction and postscript for the 21 century.

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Medium erhältlich in:
1 Bibliothek der BSP Berlin, Berlin

Personen: Polhemus, Ted

Standort: BSP Drontheimer

Schlagwörter: Kulturvergleich Mode

Polhemus, Ted [Verfasser]:
Fashion & Anti-fashion : exploring adornment and dress from an anthropological perspective ; a classic text from 1978 with a new introduction and postscript for the 21st century / Ted Polhemus. - London : Ted Polhemus, 2011. - VIII, 104 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-4477-3936-4 kartoniert : EUR 8,70

Zugangsnummer: 00010788 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00011183-6
Kunstgeschichte, Dias-Sammlungen, Kunstpostkarten-Sammlungen - Signatur: LH 79062 P765 - Buch