Krugman, Paul R.
International Economics theory & policy

A balanced, global approach to economic theory and policy applications
International Economics: Theory and Policy provides engaging, balanced coverage of the key concepts and practical applications of theory and policy around the world. Divided into two halves, with the first devoted to trade and the second to monetary questions, the text provides an intuitive introduction to theory and events as well as detailed coverage of the actual policies put into place as a response. In the 12th Edition, important economic developments are highlighted, with many lessons drawn from the recent COVID-19 pandemic experience. Using examples like these, the text equips students with the intellectual tools for understanding the changing world economy and economic implications of global interdependence.

Medium erhältlich in:
1 Bibliothek der BSP Berlin, Berlin
3 Business & Law School - Campus Hamburg, Hamburg

Weiterführende Informationen

Personen: Krugman, Paul R. Obstfeld, Maurice Melitz, Marc J.

Standort: BSP

Schlagwörter: Welthandel Außenwirtschaftstheorie Außenwirtschaft

Krugman, Paul R. ¬[Verfasser]:
International Economics : theory & policy / Paul R. Krugman ; Maurice Obstfeld ; Marc J. Melitz. - 12. Auflage. - Harlow, England : Pearson, 2022. - 817 Seiten : Illustrationen, graphische Darstellungen
ISBN 978-1-292-40971-9 kartoniert : EUR 72,55

Zugangsnummer: 00008066 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00017235-6
Internationaler Handel. Zahlungsbilanz und Wechselkurse - Signatur: QM 333 K94-b-03 (12) - Buch