Recycling from Waste in Fashion and Textiles A sustainable and Circular Economic Approach

"The alarming level of greenhouse gases in the environment, fast depleting natural resources such as water, petroleum products and the increasing level of industrial effluents have made every single manufacturing activity come under the scrutiny of sustainability. When all kinds of waste such as clothes, old furniture, carpets, televisions, shoes, paper, food wastes etc. end up in the landfill, only a few of them are naturally decomposed and thus a large majority remains as non-biodegradable. It is for this reason, efforts are concentrated to reduce the burden on earth by this waste, and as far as used textile products are concerned, there are now attempts to recycle or up-cycle. At the same time, people in third world countries do not have access to sufficient clothing whereas those in developed countries are following the policy of make-use and throw."--

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1 Bibliothek der BSP Berlin, Berlin

Personen: Pandit, Pintu Ahmed, Shakeel Singha, Kunal Shrivastava, Sanjay

Standort: BSP Drontheimer

Schlagwörter: Design Fashion Ökologisch Erneuerbare Ressourcen Reuse Environmental Aspects Textile industrie

Recycling from Waste in Fashion and Textiles : A sustainable and Circular Economic Approach / edited by Pintu Pandit, Shakeel Ahmed, Kunal Singha and Sanjay Shrivastava. - 1. Auflage. - Hoboken, NJ : Scrivener Publishing, 2020. - 464 Seiten : Illustrationen
ISBN 978-1-119-62049-5 Festeinband : EUR 44.26

Zugangsnummer: 00013490 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00016065-0
Kunstgeschichte, Dias-Sammlungen, Kunstpostkarten-Sammlungen - Signatur: LH 79066 P189 - Buch