Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 2015/52


Thirty Years of Terror Management Theory: From Genesis to Revelation
1. Introduction: Purpose and Goals of the Theory
2. The Intellectual Roots of Terror Management Theory
3. Fundamental Propositions of Terror Management Theory
4. Research on the Fundamental Propositions of Terror Management Theory
5. Terror Management Theory and Conceptual Interconnections
6. Summary of Terror Management Theory and Research
7. Criticisms o fand Alternatives to Terror Management Theory
8. Issues for Future Research and Theory Developement
9. Conclusion

A Biosocial Model of Affective Decision Making: Implications for Dissonance, Motivation, and Culture
1. Introduction
2. The Biosocial Model
3. Neural Substrates of Affective Decision Making
4. Top-Down Regulation
5. Bottom-Up Regulation
6. Recursive Loop
7. Conclusions

Detecting and Experiencing Prejudice: New Answers to Old Questions
1. Do Members of Devalued Groups Over - or Underestimate the Exent to Which They Are Targeted by Discrimination?
2. Is Perceiving Discriminatory Treatment Self-Protective or Harmful to Individual Well-Being?
3. Are Concealable Stigmas Less Problematic Than Visible Stigmas?
4. Is Individual Sucsess Helpful or Harmful for the Disadvantaged Group?
5. Is Confronting Prejudice Socially Costly or Socially Beneficial?
6. Overall Conclusions

The Motivated Gatekeeper of Our Minds: New Directions in Need for Closure Theory and Research
1. Introduction
2. New Developements in NFC Theory and Research
3. NFC Effects in Real-World Settings
4. Concluding Remarks

The ABC of Ambivalence: Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive Consequences of Attitudinal Conflict
1. Introduction
2. What is Ambivalence?
3. Ambivalence and Attitude Strength
4. Consequences of Ambivalence
5. The ABC of Ambivalence
6. Discussion

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Serie / Reihe: Advances in Experimental Social Psychology

Schlagwörter: Motivation Vorurteil Einstellung Verhalten Kognition Terror Kultur Affekt Terror-Management-Theorie Soziobiologie Need for Closure Theory Ambivalenz

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 2015/52. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2015. - 349 S. - (Advances in Experimental Social Psychology). - ume 52
ISSN 00652601

Zugangsnummer: 00008012 - Barcode: 2-9184204-4-00008639-4
Zeitschriften der Psychologie - Signatur: CL 1000 Advan 2015-02 - Zeitschriftenheft