Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 2023/67


Moral inconsistency
- Varieties of moral inconsistency
- Inconsistency among our moral behaviors
- Inconsistency among our moral judgments of others´ behavior
- Tolerating others´ moral incosistency
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Conflicts of interest
- References
Affect contagion: Physiologic covariation and linkage offer insight into socially shared thoughts, emotions, and experiences
- Introduction
- Theory of affect contagion
- Empirical studies of affect contagion
- Future directions
- References
A framework for understanding reasoning errors: From fake news to climate change and beyond
- Introduction
- A framework for understanding reasoning errors
- Alternative frameworks
- Evaluating the evidence: Does reason matter?
- Limitations and future directions
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- References
The needs-based model of reconciliation: How identity restoration processes can contribute to more harmonious and equal social relations
- The needs-based model of reconciliation: How identity restoration processes can contribute to more harmonious and equal soical relations
- The basic assumptions oft he needs-based model
- Empirical support fort he needs-based model´s basic hypotheses
- Applying the needs-based modelt o contexts of mutual transgressions
- Need satisfaction outside oft he victim-perpetrator dyad
- Applying the needs-based modelt o contexts of structural inequality
- Future directions for research within the models´s framework
- Boundary conditions
- Conclusion
- Conflict of interest
- Refereces
The impact of threats to belonging on healt, peripheral physiology, and social behavior
- The need to belong
- Understanding factors that threaten belonging
- The health consequences of threats to belonging
- Potential mechanisms linking belonging and health
- The social consequences of threats to belonging
- Open questions
- Conclusion
- Refereces

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Serie / Reihe: Advances in Experimental Social Psychology

Schlagwörter: Moral Sozialpsychologie Soziologie Logisches Denken Schlussfolgern Sozialleben Logik Affekt Moralentwicklung Schlichtung Moralpsychologie Soziale Kommunikation nonverbale Kommunikation Streitschlichtung Moralverständnis

Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 2023/67. - London (u.a) : Elsevier, 2023. - 338 Seiten. - (Advances in Experimental Social Psychology). - Volume 67
ISBN 978-0-443-13364-0 : 102,15 EUR

Zugangsnummer: 00027929 - Barcode: 2-9184204-4-00024566-1
Zeitschriften der Psychologie - Signatur: CL 1000 Advan 2023-01 - Zeitschriftenheft