Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 2014/50

Recent Research on Free Will: Conceptualizations, Beliefs and Processes
1. Social Psychology's Contribution to the Free Will Debate
2. Understanding Free Will
3. Beliefs about Free Will
4. Freedom and Human Volition
5. Conclusions

The Intuitive Traditionalist: How Biases for Existence and Longevity promote the Status Quo
1. Introduction
2. Existence and Longevity Biases in History
3. Other Causes of Status Quo Preference
4. Evidence for Existence and Longevity Bias
5. Direct Evidence for Heuristic Processing
6. Attributional Underpinnings of Existence and Longevity Bias
7. Automatic Thinking, Status Quo Preference, and Conservative Ideology
8. Higher Standards for Change
9. Social and Ideological Consequences of Existence and Longevity Bias
10. The Other Side and the Outer Limits
11. Conclusion

Social Psychology and fight against AIDS: An Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model for the Prediction and Promotion of Health Behavioral Change
1. Introduction
2. The AIDS Epidemic Context: Sudden Emergence of an Always Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease
3. Applying Social Psychological Theory in the Fight against HIV/AIDS
4. An IMB Model of HIV/AIDS Prevention
5. Empirical Support for the IMB Model of HIV/AIDS Preventive Behavior
6. Empirical Support for IMB Model-Based HIV/AIDS Risk- Reduction Interventions
7. Meta- Analytic Support for IMB Model Propositions
8. A Generalized IMB Conceptualization for the Prediction and Promotion of Health Behavior
9. Tests of the Assumptions of the IMB Model of Health Behavior
10. Summary and Conclusions

Communal and Agentic Content in Social Cognition: A Dual Perspective Model
1. Twofold Conceptualizations of Content
2. Why are there these two Classes of Content?
3. The Relevance of Agency and Communion in social Cognition
4. The Dual Perspective Model Agency and Communion
5. Agency, Communion, and Valence
6. Relation between the two content Dimensions
7. Concluding remarks and future Perspectives

Motivation Resulting from Completed and Missing Actions
1. Part A: Completed and Missing Actions Increase Motivation- Dynamics of Self-Regulation
2. Part B: When Actions Signal Commitment Versus Progress
3. Part C: Seeking and Giving Feedback
4. Part D: Implications
5. Summary

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2 MSH Medical School Hamburg, Hamburg

Serie / Reihe: Advances in Experimental Social Psychology

Personen: Olson, James M. Zanna, Mark P.

Schlagwörter: Sozialpsychologie Wille AIDS Freiheit Konzept Willensbildung Freier Wille HIV

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 2014/50. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2014. - 330 S. - (Advances in Experimental Social Psychology). - Volume 50. - englisch

Zugangsnummer: 00001582 - Barcode: 2-9184204-4-00002618-5
Zeitschriften der Psychologie - Signatur: CL 1000 Advan 2014-02 - Zeitschriftenheft