Cognitive neuroscience is a new and rapidly evolving field that brings together cognitive psychology and neuroscience, drawing conceptual and technical elements from both these traditional disciplines in the quest to better understand the complex human brain functions that have puzzled thinkers for centuries. Written by seven leaders in the field, Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience informs readers at all levels about the growing canon of cognitive neuroscience, and makes clear the many challenges that remain to be solved by the next generation.
Medium erhältlich in:
3 MSH Medical School Hamburg,
Weiterführende Informationen
Personen: Purves, Dale
Purves, Dale:
Principles of cognitive neuroscience / Dale Purves .... - Sunderland, Mass. : Sinauer Assoc., 2008. - Getr. Zählung : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN 978-0-87893-694-6 fest geb.
Allgemeine Psychologie - Signatur: CP 4000 P986-01 - Buch