Stauss, Bernd
Effective complaint management the business case for customer satisfaction

This practice- and research-based book caters to the needs of executive managers who see customer satisfaction as their primary goal. The authors identify the need for an effective complaint management strategy that prevents the loss of dissatisfied customers. Dissatisfied customers are at risk of migrating; accordingly, neglecting professional complaint management poses a considerable threat to customer relationships, sales and profits.

The book offers a comprehensive management concept, which emphasizes direct contact with the complainant by employing complaint stimulation, acceptance, processing and reaction. Further, it discusses the relevant 'backstage' tasks involved in using complaint information to achieve quality improvements and cost reductions through complaint analysis, controlling and reporting.

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3 Business & Law School - Campus Hamburg, Hamburg

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Serie / Reihe: Management for professionals

Personen: Stauss, Bernd Seidel, Wolfgang

Schlagwörter: Beschwerde Beschwerdemanagement Complaint Management Reklamation

Stauss, Bernd:
Effective complaint management : the business case for customer satisfaction / Bernd Stauss, Wolfgang Seidel. - Second edition. - Cham : Springer, 2019. - ix, 495 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm. - (Management for professionals)
Einheitssacht.: Complaint management
ISBN 978-3-319-98704-0 (Festeinband) : EUR 85.59 (DE)

Zugangsnummer: 2020/0193 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00016747-5
Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre - Signatur: QP 620 S798-01 (2) - Buch