Flagg, Fannie
I Still Dream About You
Schöne Literatur

Meet Maggie Fortenberry, a still beautiful former Miss Alabama. To others, MaggieÆs life seems practically perfectùsheÆs lovely, charming, and a successful agent at Red Mountain Realty. Still, Maggie canÆt help but wonder how she wound up living a life so different from the one she dreamed of as a child. But just when things seem completely hopeless, and the secrets of MaggieÆs past drive her to a radical plan to solve it all, Maggie discovers, quite by accident, that everybody, it seems, has at least one little secret

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57 Stadtbücherei Traben-Trarbach, Traben-Trarbach

Personen: Flagg, Fannie

Interessenkreis: englisch

englisch Fla

Flagg, Fannie:
I Still Dream About You / Fannie Flagg. - 1. Aufl. - New York : Random House, 2010. - 314 S. - englisch
ISBN 978-1-4000-6593-6 fest geb.

Zugangsnummer: 0003284001 - Barcode: 00025645
Zba - Schöne Literatur