Horowitz, Anthony
Alex Rider - Ark Angel, English edition Saving the world one mission at a time

Alex Riders sechster Fall:
After recovering from a near fatal gunshot wound, teenage spy Alex Rider embarks on a new mission to stop a group of eco-terrorists from sabotaging the launch of the first outer space hotel.The sniper s bullet nearly killed him. But Alex Rider managed to survive . . . just in time for more trouble to come his way.

Altersempfehlung: ab 12 Jahren.

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Serie / Reihe: Alex Rider Vol.6

Personen: Horowitz, Anthony

Leseror. Aufstellung: english

Interessenkreis: Englisch Fremdsprachig

Horowitz, Anthony:
Alex Rider - Ark Angel, English edition : Saving the world one mission at a time / Anthony Horowitz. - 2007. 326 p. 20 cm. - New York : Speak, 2007. - 326 S. ; 19 cm. - (Alex Rider Vol.6). - Ages 12 and up
ISBN 978-0-14-240738-7 kt. : 8,99

Zugangsnummer: 2012/0748 - Barcode: 00177986
Romane und Erzählungen für Jugendliche ab 12 Jahre - Signatur: Horow - Buch