Stine, R. L.
Stay Out of the Basement 8Goosebumps)

"We'll just look," Diane said, "We won't touch anything. And then we'll come right back upstairs,"
Margaret sighed. "Okay, let's go. But rememer - just looking, no touching."
Casey opened the door and led the way onto the stairway. They immediately felt the hot, steamy air.

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Personen: Stine, R. L.

Standort: BF

Schlagwörter: Angst 3.+4. Lehrjahr

Interessenkreis: Englisch

Stine, R. L.:
Stay Out of the Basement : 8Goosebumps) / R. L. Stine. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Klett, 2001. - 113 Seiten : Zeichnungen
ISBN 978-3-12-534190-6 Broschur

Zugangsnummer: 2019/0468 - Barcode: 00014217
Lektüren Sek I, A2 / B1 (3./4. Lernjahr) - Signatur: Eng 11.2 Stine - Buch