Wilde, Oscar
The Canterville Ghost

An American family moves into Canterville Chase, rumored to be a haunted house. But the sceptical Americans don't believe in ghosts - not, that is, until their daughter Virginia disappears after a series of uncanny incidents.

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Personen: Wilde, Oscar

Standort: BF

Schlagwörter: Easy reader 3+4 Lehrjahr A2

Interessenkreis: Englisch

Wilde, Oscar:
¬The¬ Canterville Ghost / Oscar Wilde. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Klett, 2014. - 46 S. : Ill. - A2, based on a vocabulary of 650 words
ISBN 978-3-12-535433-3 : ca. EUR 6,60

Zugangsnummer: 2019/0454 - Barcode: 00014203
Lektüren Sek I, A2 / B1 (3./4. Lernjahr) - Signatur: Eng 11.2 Wilde - Buch