Niebuhr, Karl-Wilhelm
Biblisch-theologische Grundlagen des Communio-Begriffs im Zusammenhang der Ekklesiologie mit besonderem Bezug auf "Communio

The essay deals with the biblical foundations of ecclesiological statementsin the bilateral document "Communio Sanctorum". In connection with fundamental reflections on the relation between the message of both Testaments of the Christian Bible and the development of church doctrine, essential Features of an evangelical understanding of die church as a community of saints are expounded. In doing so, the author also deals with some of the recently published statements on the document by theological faculties and ecclesi.astic authorities.

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Personen: Niebuhr, Karl-Wilhelm

Schlagwörter: Ekklesiologie Ökumene Biblische Theologie Kirchengemeinschaft


Niebuhr, Karl-Wilhelm:
Biblisch-theologische Grundlagen des Communio-Begriffs im Zusammenhang der Ekklesiologie mit besonderem Bezug auf "Communio Sanctorum" / von Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr. - In: Kerygma_und_Dogma 50.Jg., 2004, H.2, S.90-125,

Zugangsnummer: 2005/1552
Zeitschriften - Buch