Oberdorfer, Bernd
Brauchen wir das Filioque? Aspekte des Filioque-Problems in der heutigen Diskussion

The Filioque formula is still one of the crucial issues of dissent between Orthodox and Western churches. The paper, firstly, presents the dogmatic, hermeneutic and ecclesiological dimensions of the problem and, secondly, outlines its history. With critical reference to a statement made in 1997 by the German United Lutheran Church (VELKD), it thirdly reflects on whether and how Lutheran churches, in accordance with their hermeneutics ofconfession, could return to the original version of the Creed of Nicaea andConstantinople without denying the truth of the Filioque tradition.

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Personen: Oberdorfer, Bernd

Schlagwörter: Glaubensbekenntnis Heiliger Geist Lutherische Kirche Orthodoxe Kirche


Oberdorfer, Bernd:
Brauchen wir das Filioque? : Aspekte des Filioque-Problems in der heutigen Diskussion / von Bernd Oberdorfer. - In: Kerygma_und_Dogma 49.Jg., 2003, H.4, S.278-292,

Zugangsnummer: 2005/1285
Zeitschriften - Buch