Thiede, Werner
Buddha und Jesus Gemeinsamkeiten und Differenzen

In reliable as well as in popular attempts to compare the central figures of Christianity and Buddhism one can perceive a certain trend for a longer time: Siddharta Gautama and Jesus are not so much contrasted against each other as studied in such a way that their analogy or correspondence be emphasized. In doing so, authors of such attempts easily ignore - willinglyor unwillingly - that the characters and teachings of both spiritual figures must be assigned to different religious paradigms. The systematic theological analysis endeavours to address this, discussing analogies and differences between Buddha and Jesus in ten points.

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Personen: Thiede, Werner

Schlagwörter: Jesus Christus

92/..92 CI

Thiede, Werner:
Buddha und Jesus : Gemeinsamkeiten und Differenzen. - In: Kerygma und Dogma, 51. Jg., 2005, 1, S.33-51

Zugangsnummer: 2007/0249