Haacker, Klaus
Das ³bersetze "Wort Gottes" als Kulturgut im Wandel der Zeit Programme und Probleme der Revision der Lutherbibel

The primary concern of the revision was to secure a normative edition which (apart from real archaisms) should be faithful to Luther's own final version. In a second move after 1900 the text was adapted to official rules for the German language as taught in schools. From 1928 on corrections for exegetical reasons were intended but realized only reluctantly and with the exception of familiar Bible quotations. Presently several panels of scholars are preparing proposals for a new revision so that the next "generation" of the Lutheran Bible may turn out more faithful to the Word of God "as originally given".

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Personen: Haacker, Klaus Klaus Haacker

Schlagwörter: Luther Kulturgeschichte Bibel³bersetzung

Interessenkreis: Theologie


Haacker, Klaus:
Das ³bersetze "Wort Gottes" als Kulturgut im Wandel der Zeit : Programme und Probleme der Revision der Lutherbibel / Klaus Haacker + Anschriften. - In: Kerygma_und_Dogma, 60. Jg., 2014, 1, S.62-74

Zugangsnummer: 0000/1015 - Barcode: 90102501
Zeitschriften - Buch