Harnisch, Wolfgang
Der paulinische Lohn (1 Kor 9,1-23)

Paul's compensation is his xavxnÁa, since the gospel he pronounces is free,and he renounces the right to be supported by his congregation (I Cor 9:1-23). Thus his advantage is that the manner in which he preaches matchesthe essence of what he preaches. The reason for this is that the gospel regards itself in its essence as the act of bestowing divine grace at no cost.

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Personen: Harnisch, Wolfgang

Schlagwörter: Paulus Exegese

Interessenkreis: Theologie

648/..648 CI

Harnisch, Wolfgang:
Der paulinische Lohn (1 Kor 9,1-23) / von Wolfgang Harnisch. - In: Zeitschrift_für_Theologie_und_Kirche, 104. Jg., 2007, 1, S.25-43

Zugangsnummer: 2007/4007