Zimmermann, Ruben
Die neutestamentliche Deutung des Todes Jesu als Opfer zur christologischen Koinzidenz von Opfertheologie und Opferkritik

The contribution presents an outline of the historical genesis of the New Testament's sacrificial Christology, as well as its linguistic and systematic implications. The metaphorical language of sacrificial Christology draws on Old Testament sacrificial theology in its various dimensions for interpreting the life and death of Jesus (atonement: Rom 3: 25; Hebr; community: 1 Cor 5: 7; offering: Eph 5: 2). In this application, sacrificial theology is used positively as a hermeneutical key to interpreting the death of Jesus. At the same time, the existing sacrificialpractice is criticised by the early Christian authors, who regard the theological intention of Jewish sacrificial theology as ultimately fulfilled in the fate of Jesus. Instead of speaking of a verbal substitution of cultic sacrificial theology, it should be called a transformation in which the focus on the sacrifice of Christ denies justification to all other sacrifices. On the other hand, this transformation broadens the idea of sacrifice beyond the cultic realm into all areas of life (cf. the sacrificial exhortations). Thus, New Testament sacrificial Christology is marked by a paradoxical coincidence of sacrificial theology and sacrificial criticism.

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Personen: Zimmermann, Ruben

Schlagwörter: Neues Testament Exegese Opfer Christologie Logik

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Zimmermann, Ruben:
Die neutestamentliche Deutung des Todes Jesu als Opfer : zur christologischen Koinzidenz von Opfertheologie und Opferkritik. - In: Kerygma und Dogma, 51. Jg., 2005, 2, S.72-99

Zugangsnummer: 2007/0359