Bannach, Klaus
Die Rechtfertigung des Gottlosen bei Thomas von Aquin

It would seem that Aquinas´s Summa Theologiae II-I,q. 119, a. 7 presents uswith a problem regarding the interpretation of the act of justification. While this act of the sinner is otherwise understood as a process or way, in this article Aquinas proposes that it happens instantly, without any succession of time. Here it is suggested that the metaphor of "way" or "process" is solely a matter of reasoning, which can only be discursive since one cannot say everything at once. Systematically and with great consistency, Aquinas discusses the way of justification in terms of the Aristotelian conception of movement, which follows the principle omne quod movetur ab alio movetur, in order to show that the whole process or, rather, act of justification is due to the prime mover, God. There seems tobe a shift of perspective in the work of Aquinas. While the Commentary on the Sentences argues more anthropologically, describing the phenomena of human will, Summa Theologiae considers the relationship between God and man, and is thus, strictly speaking, theological.

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Personen: Bannach, Klaus

Schlagwörter: Luther Rechtfertigung Wille


Bannach, Klaus:
Die Rechtfertigung des Gottlosen bei Thomas von Aquin / von Klaus Bannach. - In: Kerygma_und_Dogma 49.Jg., 2003, H.2, S.136-153,

Zugangsnummer: 2005/1043
Zeitschriften - Buch