Plasger, Georg
Einladende Ethik zu einem neuen evangelischen Paradigma in einer pluralen Gesellschaft

The Church is increasingly losing its majority in society regarding socio-ethical positions. Facing this, we have to ask for the addressee of the Church's ethics in a plural society. The narrow view that sees church and state in opposition - which is exemplarily shown by the models of W. Huber and U. H. J. Körtner - has to be surmounted. The figure of "Megalog",suggested by the American communitarian sociologist, Amitai Etzioni, is capable of combining the universal dimension of the whole society with its different particular ethical perceptions. The programme of an "inviting ethics" aims at discussion in society. In many places this way is already being put into practice. In the field of medicine and biological ethics, economical ethics, environmental ethics and peace ethics it is exemplarily used in concrete terms.

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Personen: Plasger, Georg

Schlagwörter: Sozialethik Kirche-Staat-Beziehung Gesellschaft Pluralismus Kommunitarismus

204/..204 CI

Plasger, Georg:
Einladende Ethik : zu einem neuen evangelischen Paradigma in einer pluralen Gesellschaft. - In: Kerygma und Dogma, 51. Jg., 2005, 2, S.126-156

Zugangsnummer: 2007/0361