Hübner, Hans
"Existentiale" Interpretation bei Rudolf Bultmann und Martin Heidegger

Martin Heidegger saw his method of existential interpretation as an explication of the natures of being of the "Dasein" (ontological question) and made a distinction between this and the existential interpretation as an explication of the existential situation concerned (ontic question). As an existential interpretation, this method is atheistic, meaning that it does not refer to the concrete question of God. Rudolf Bultmann on the other hand sees existential interpretation as a question of the existentialunderstanding of a text. This means however that his interpretation - contrary to his explicit intention is not, strictly speaking, existential. In the course of his development from thinking in a fundamental ontologicalway to thinking from the perspective of the history of "Seyn", Heidegger gave up the formal atheistic question, which becomes especially clear in the letter on humanism. Did the two of them in fact get closer in their hermeneutic intention?

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Personen: Hübner, Hans

Schlagwörter: Existentiale Interpretation

Interessenkreis: Philosophie

406/..406 CI

Hübner, Hans:
"Existentiale" Interpretation bei Rudolf Bultmann und Martin Heidegger / von Hans Hübner. - In: Zeitschrift_für_Theologie_und_Kirche, 103. Jg., 2006, 4, S.533-567

Zugangsnummer: 2007/3958