Obermann, Andreas
Fremd im eigenen Land die Heimatkonzeption frühchristlicher Gemeinden nach dem 1. Petrusbrief und ihre praktischen Implikationen heute

Following a sociological essay on the concept of home in present-day Germany the author describes the ideas of home in theological perspective of the Old and New Testament. One of the main points of the exegetical study is in the explanations of 1st Peter: After an analysis of the historical and political circumstances of Asia Minor during the time of thewriting of 1st Peter, the author explains that the recipients of 1st Peter had a concrete understanding of home on earth, despite their eschatologicalhope and Peter's greeting of them as 'guests and pilgrims in an alien land'(1 Peter 2, 11): As a minority group the Christian church lived out the practical aspects of a concept of home (feelings, friends, environment, neighbourhood...). Decisive for this concept of home is the church itself with its ethos because through this the church gives identity. The author ends with a double view into the future: He describes firstly the practicalsupporting and secondly educational perspectives of the concept of home in 1st Peter for the self-evidence of the Christian churches today.

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Personen: Obermann, Andreas

Schlagwörter: Heimat Ethik Theologie Soziologie Urchristentum

513/..513 CI

Obermann, Andreas:
Fremd im eigenen Land : die Heimatkonzeption frühchristlicher Gemeinden nach dem 1. Petrusbrief und ihre praktischen Implikationen heute. - In: Kerygma und Dogma, 51. Jg., 2005, 4, S.263-289

Zugangsnummer: 2007/0670