Rominger, Walter
"Heil als Geschichte" Gedanken zum 100. Geburtstag Oscar Cullmanns, des namhaften Vertreters heilsgeschichtlicher Theologie

Oscar Cullmann has been a Protestant New Testament professor at the University of Basel. At the beginning of 2002 he would have become one hundred years of age. He is considered an outstanding theologian of Salvation History and an early representative of a realistic Ecumenism, comprehended as unity in variety. He did not found a theological "school", although he was well known because of his extensive number of publications and the fact that he was known internationally, also for his interest in Ecumene beyond the area of his Lutheran confession. He remained an outsider, because the followers of Bultmann at his time dominated the German-speaking world; more over Cullmann opposed Bultmann´s theological school. This essay deals with 1. Cullmann´s life and work, an 2. deals withhis sight (judgement) and the theological discussion following. It 3. considers his thoughts concerning Ecumene, and finally 4. their effects on the recent history of theology.

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Personen: Rominger, Walter Cullmann, Oscar

Schlagwörter: Biblische Theologie Lebenslaufforschung Eschatologie Heilsgeschichte

Kerygma_und_Dogma 48.Jg., 2002, H.1, S.2-24

Rominger, Walter:
"Heil als Geschichte" : Gedanken zum 100. Geburtstag Oscar Cullmanns, des namhaften Vertreters heilsgeschichtlicher Theologie / von Walter Rominger. - In: Kerygma_und_Dogma 48.Jg., 2002, H.1, S.2-24

Zugangsnummer: 0001/4947 - Barcode: 91621001
Zeitschriften - Buch