Kretzschmar, Gerald
"Ich selber will 'für mein Leben gern' Pfarrer bleiben" Altern im Pfarrberuf

How do pastors perceive their own ageing as related to their pastoral work, and how do they deal with it? The result of an explorative study is very clear: the pastoral work profile can build to an extraordinary large extent on the many positive effects of ageing in this profession.

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Personen: Kretzschmar, Gerald

Schlagwörter: Alter Pfarrer

Interessenkreis: Kirche Empirische_Untersuchung

287/..291 CI

Kretzschmar, Gerald:
"Ich selber will 'für mein Leben gern' Pfarrer bleiben" : Altern im Pfarrberuf / Gerald Kretzschmar. - In: Pastoraltheologie 98.Jg., 2009, H.9, S.380-386,

Zugangsnummer: 2010/0937