Domsgen, Michael
Kindergarten und Gemeindeaufbau - wie passt das zusammen?

In times when pre-school education becomes costly and financially risky the author, with a view to the situation in East Germany, discusses the reasons for keeping a parish nursery school running: the value of explicit as well as implicit Christian education, the advantages for the parents and for the parish. Finally, principles for practical challenges are given.

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Personen: Domsgen, Michael

Schlagwörter: Konzept Religiöse Erziehung Kindergarten

Interessenkreis: Kirche

1298/..1302 CI

Domsgen, Michael:
Kindergarten und Gemeindeaufbau - wie passt das zusammen? / Michael Domsgen. - In: Pastoraltheologie 98.Jg., 2009, H.1, S.33-47,

Zugangsnummer: 2009/0780