Körtner, Ulrich H.J.
Kirchenleitung und Episkopé Funktionen und Formen der Episkopé im Rahmen der presbyterial-synodalen Ordnung evangelischer Kirchen

Subject of this contribution is appearance, duties and responsibilities andthe theological justification of churchly offices and ministrations which can count as forms of the episkopé within the scope of current constitutions of evangelical churches. All these different church constitutions and structures of offices are basically variations of a shared ecclesiological model which is the presbyterial-synodical order of evangelical churches justified, theologically, by the priesthood of all believers. This results in far-reaching consequences for the ecumenical dialogue regarding the issue of offices. These theses address not only the ecumenical partners in dialogue but shall be understood, also, as a contribution for discussion within the evangelical churches.

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Personen: Körtner, Ulrich H.J.

Schlagwörter: Ordination Priestertum aller Gläubigen Geistliches Amt Kirchenverfassung

Interessenkreis: Thesen

665/..665 CI

Körtner, Ulrich H.J.:
Kirchenleitung und Episkopé : Funktionen und Formen der Episkopé im Rahmen der presbyterial-synodalen Ordnung evangelischer Kirchen. - In: Kerygma und Dogma, 52. Jg., 2006, 1, S.2-24

Zugangsnummer: 2007/0822