Claussen, Johann Hinrich
Religion ohne Gewissheit eine zeitdiagnostisch-systematische Problemanzeige

How can theology address those conditions in which the great certainty of afull faith is not present (a poem of Hans Magnus Enzenberger serves as an example)? Here, faith will not function as a norm, yet there is an alternative to desubstantialising faith: a faith of full quality can be offered in us productive potential - e. g. (as learned from Adolf von Harnack) as an attitude of anticipation, of a change of viewpoint, and of asense for role models in biblical literature.

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Personen: Claussen, Johann Hinrich

Schlagwörter: Religion Theologie Protestantismus

552/..552 CI

Claussen, Johann Hinrich:
Religion ohne Gewissheit : eine zeitdiagnostisch-systematische Problemanzeige. - In: Pastoraltheologie, 94. Jg., 2005, 10, S.434-454

Zugangsnummer: 2007/0709