Krauter, Stefan
Römer 7 in der Auslegung des Pietismus

The question whether the "I" in Rm 7 is that of the "man under law" or thatof the Christian has occupied theologians ever since the days of Early Christianity. This article examines the interpretation of Rm 7 by the pietists Ph.J. Spener, A.H. Francke, J.A. Bengel and F.A.G. Tholuck and compares it with the understanding of this text by the Reformers, in lutheran orthodoxy and in modern exegesis. The pietist theologians - mostlyignored in modern research - overcame the dichotomy between "man under law"and "man under grace" by interpreting Rm 7 as a process of salvation and sanctification.

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Personen: Krauter, Stefan

Schlagwörter: Exegese Gesetz Pietismus Ich

777/..777 CI

Krauter, Stefan:
Römer 7 in der Auslegung des Pietismus. - In: Kerygma und Dogma, 52. Jg., 2006, 2, S.126-150

Zugangsnummer: 2007/0934