Schwab, Ulrich
"To fit their culture" - neue Jugendarbeit für neue Jugendliche = "To fit their culture" - new youth work for a new youth

The author informs about the "Youth Churches" - a project of building a church for young people only with its own church building. He also providestheological reflections on the understanding of church.

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Personen: Schwab, Ulrich

Schlagwörter: Jugendlicher Projekt Kirchliche Jugendarbeit Kirchenverständnis

Pastoraltheologie 91.Jg., 2002, H.3, S.106-116

Schwab, Ulrich:
"To fit their culture" - neue Jugendarbeit für neue Jugendliche = "To fit their culture" - new youth work for a new youth / Ulrich Schwab. - In: Pastoraltheologie 91.Jg., 2002, H.3, S.106-116

Zugangsnummer: 0001/5005 - Barcode: 91626801
Zeitschriften - Buch