Weymann, Volker
Trost, der nicht tr³gt, sondern trõgt? iedens´. Referate und Stellungnahmen der Tagung Anst÷¯e aus Philosophie und Literatur

In the early middle ages the search for consolation was a relevant theme for philosophy. First and foremost in this respect, Boethius's Consolatio Philosophiae springs to mind. Can there be an unlamenting consolation which overcomes self-pity? This perspective is echoed in the modern eara as in Leibniz and up to the present in a "well tempered" christianity. Against this are unmissable objections found in literature. A further consideration is that the definition of consolation inevitably leads into a conflict area of the tension between empty promises and the hope, despite all, of consolation. So there remains the acute problem of a consolation which does not deceive but which works. From this point of view, there is an important discussion to be had between the views of philosophy and those of literature leading to interesting suggestions.

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Personen: Weymann, Volker Hirschler, Horst Volker Weymann

Schlagwörter: Frieden Trost Theologie Krieg Rüstung Philosophie Boethius, Anicius Manlius Sicherheit Feind Severinus

Interessenkreis: Philosophie


Weymann, Volker:
Trost, der nicht tr³gt, sondern trõgt? iedens´. Referate und Stellungnahmen der Tagung : Anst÷¯e aus Philosophie und Literatur / Volker Weymann. - In: Kerygma_und_Dogma, 60. Jg., 2014, 1, S.38-61

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Zeitschriften - Buch