Holm, Bo Kristian
Zur Funktion der Lehre bei Luther die Lehre als rettendes Gedankenbild gegen Sünde, Tod und Teufel

In order to fully understand Luther's use and interpretation of doctrine, one has to consider the term's functional definition. An analysis of Luther's Great Commentary on Galatians reveals that pure doctrine must havethe possibility of giving what it describes. This definition of pure doctrine is not functionally different from consolation - both are a matterof praxis. Therefore, where consolation aims to give the terrified soul saving pictures on which to focus, doctrine offers the mind another kind ofpicture as defence against the attacking Devil. Chalcedonian Christology meets these criteria of being at the same time firm in its unquestionable orthodoxy while still able to both communicate and explain its content. This functional orientation does, however, cause some problems. "Dysfunction" is a threat, and difficulties arise when there is dissonance between describing and giving. Such is the case in Luther's reduction of exemplum Christi to law. Finally, the unwanted christological opaqueness ofLuther's elaboration of fides absoluta and fides incarnata can be explainedas a collision of the functional aspects of the doctrine and its content.

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Personen: Holm, Bo Kristian

Schlagwörter: Luther Theologie Christologie

91/..91 CI

Holm, Bo Kristian:
Zur Funktion der Lehre bei Luther : die Lehre als rettendes Gedankenbild gegen Sünde, Tod und Teufel. - In: Kerygma und Dogma, 51. Jg., 2005, 1, S.17-32

Zugangsnummer: 2007/0248