Dierken, Jörg
Zwischen Innen und Außen, Relativem und Absolutem Dimensionen des Religionsbegriffs

This essay proposes that a concept of religion necessarily includes a set of dialectical relations, particularly those between the perspectives from within and without religious consciousness. Such relations can also be described with regard to human relativity and divine absoluteness. In addition, there is the other important dialectical relation of religious cultures, which show contingent historicity, and their normative approaches. This article analyses the existence of these relations by way of the concepts of religion set forth by Hegel and Luhmann. By looking at these two concepts, the author develops a specifcally Protestant concept ofreligion that connects the consciousness of the indefinite with the consciousness of individual defniteness.

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Personen: Dierken, Jörg

Schlagwörter: Religion Protestantismus Religionssoziologie Religionsphilosophie


Dierken, Jörg:
Zwischen Innen und Außen, Relativem und Absolutem : Dimensionen des Religionsbegriffs / von Jörg Dierken. - In: Kerygma_und_Dogma 49.Jg., 2003, H.3, S.180-209,

Zugangsnummer: 2005/1133
Zeitschriften - Buch