Dinosaurs Before Park
Magic Tree House Band 1
Where did the ree house come from?
Befor Jack and Anna can find out, the mysterious tree house whisks them back to the prehistoric past. Now they have to figure out how to get home. Can they do it before dark.....or will they become a dinosaur´s dinner?
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Serie / Reihe: Magic Tree House 1
Personen: Osborne, Mary Pope Murdocca, Sal
Standort: Engl. Literatur
Osborne, Mary Pope:
Dinosaurs Before Park : Magic Tree House Band 1 / Mary Pope Osborne. - Toronto : Random House of Canada, 1992. - 68 : Ill. - (Magic Tree House; 1)
EAN 0090129003990 kt.
Kinderbücher für Kinder zwischen 8 und 12 Jahren - Signatur: Osbor - Buch