Osborne, Mary Pope
Mummies in the Morning Magic Tree House Band 3

Jack and Annie don´t need another mummy.
but thatá what they get the Magic Tree House whisks them back to ancient Egypt. There they meet a long -dead queen who needs their help. Will Jack and Annie be able to solve the puzzle, or will they end up as mummies themselves?

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Serie / Reihe: Magic Tree House 3

Personen: Osborne, Mary Pope Murdocca, Sal

Standort: Engl. Literatur

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Osborne, Mary Pope:
Mummies in the Morning : Magic Tree House Band 3 / Mary Pope Osborne. - Toronto : Random House of Canada, 1993. - 64 : Ill. - (Magic Tree House; 3)
EAN 0090129003990 kt.

Zugangsnummer: 2015/0033 - Barcode: 000000033435
Kinderbücher für Kinder zwischen 8 und 12 Jahren - Signatur: Osbor - Buch