Kimbrough, ST Jr.
Volume 4 Papers presented at The Eighth Annual Meeting of The Charles Wesley Society in Bristol, England

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Serie / Reihe: Proceedings of The Charles Wesley Society

Personen: Kimbrough, ST Jr.

Schlagwörter: Sarah Wesley Bristol Hymns and Poems Ecumenical Hymnographer

Kgf 4

Kimbrough, ST Jr.:
Volume 4 : Papers presented at The Eighth Annual Meeting of The Charles Wesley Society in Bristol, England / ST Jr.; Kimbrough; Charles A. (Ed.) Green. - Madison, USA : The Charles Wesley Society, 1999. - 84 S. - (Proceedings of The Charles Wesley Society). - Vol. 4

Zugangsnummer: 2020/0007 - Barcode: 2-2100881-6-00040496-9
Proceedings of the Charles Wesley Society - Buch