- Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich im Strafvollzug (Kilchling, Michael)
- Taking Rights Seriously (Dworkin, Ronald)
- Talons and teeth (Reed, Bradly Ward)
- Tarifvertragliche Bindung der Arbeitgeber (Deinert, Olaf)
- Tarifvertragsrecht (Jacobs, Matthias)
- Tax Compliance (Rübenstahl, Markus (Hrsg.))
- Der Teileschutz im Urheberrecht (Benz, Sebastian)
- Telekommunikationsrecht (Kühling, Jürgen)
- Teleologie und politische Vernunft (Maier, Eva Maria)
- Teleologisches Rechtsverständnis (Mittenzwei, Ingo)
- Terrorismusfinanzierung (Sieber/ Vogel)
- Text. - Bd. 3 (Herder, Johann Gottfried von)
- Textbuch zur Privatrechtsgeschichte der Neuzeit
- Textbuch zur Strafrechtsgeschichte der Neuzeit
- The administration of criminal justice in Palestine (Abdelbaqi, Mustafa H.)
- The Age of Confucian Rule (Kuhn, Dieter)
- The Age of Openness (Dikötter, Frank)
- The age of Reformation. - Vol. 2. - 16. print. (Skinner, Quentin)
- The Authority of Law (Raz, Joseph)
- The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory
- The Book of Lord Shang (Shang, Yang)
- The Cambridge companion to Hegel and nineteenth-century philosophy
- The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought
- The Cambridge illustrated history of China (Ebrey, Patricia Buckley)
- The China Legal Development Yearbook Vo. 1
- The China Legal Development Yearbook, Volume 3
- The China Legal Development Yearbook, Volume II
- The China Legal Development Yearbook, Volume IV
- The China Legal Develpment Yearbook, Volume 5
- The Chinese Anit-Monoply Law
- The Chinese economy (Naughton, Barry)
- The Chinese Legal System (Potter, Pitman B.)
- The claims of culture (Benhabib, Seyla)
- The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order (Huntington, Samuel P.)
- The Commentaries (Blackstone, William)
- The Common European Law of Torts, Vol. 1 (Bar, Christian von)
- The common frame of reference
- The common good (Etzioni, Amitai)
- The Complete Bill of Rights. The Drafts, Debates, Sources, and Origins (Cogan, Neil H.)
- The Concept of Law (Hart, Herbert Lionel Adolphus)
- The concepts and theories of modern democracy (Birch, Anthony Harold)
- The Constitution of China (Zhang, Qianfan)
- The Constitution of Liberty (Hayek, Friedrich A. von)
- The Constitutional Jurisprudence of the Federal Republic of Germany (Kommers, Donald P.)
- The Cultural Defense of Nations. A Liberal Theory of Majority Rights (Orgad, Liav)
- The Culturalization of Human Rights Law (Lenzerini, Frederico)
- The Death Penalty (Hood, Roger/ Hoyle, Carolyn)
- The development of the Chinese Legal System (Guanghua Yu)
- The Early Chinese Empires (Lewis, Mark Edward)
- The English Constitution (Bagehot, Walter)
- The Essential Antifederalists
- The essential communitarian reader
- The Essential Peirce, Vol I (1867 - 1893). - Vol. 1. - [Nachdr.] (Peirce, Charles S.)
- The Ethics of Capital Punishment. A Philosophical Investigation of Evil and its Consequences (Kramer, Matthew)
- The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (Peers, Steve)
- The European Court of Justice and the Autonomy of the Member States (Micklitz, Hans-Wolfgang)
- The European miracle (Jones, Eric L.)
- The European Private Company - Societas Privata Europaea (SPE)
- The European Union after Lisbon (Blanke, Hermann-Josef)
- The Evolution of Law Reform in China (Lubman, Stanley B. [Hrsg.])
- The Federalist Papers (Hamilton, Alexander)
- The Foundations of European Private Law
- The foundations of modern political thought, Vol 1 (Skinner, Quentin)
- The Four books
- The free sea (Grotius, Hugo)
- The Future of Comarative Study in Law
- The great Chinese revolution (Fairbank, John King)
- The History of International Law
- The Idea of Human Rights (Beitz, Charles R.)
- The Idea of Justice (Sen, Amartya Kumar)
- The Idea of Justice (Sen, Amartya Kumar)
- The Interaction of Contract Law and Tort and Property Law in Europe (Bar, Christian von)
- The last utopia (Moyn, Samuel)
- The Law of Nations (Vattel, Emer de)
- The law of obligations (Zimmermann, Reinhard)
- The Law of Obligations in Europe
- The Law of Peoples (Rawls, John)
- The lexicon of roman law
- The Limits of Privacy (Etzioni, Amitai)
- The man who stayed behind (Rittenberg, Sidney)
- The meaning of life (Eagleton, Terry)
- The media-crime nexus revisited: on the re-construction of crime and law-and-order in crime-appeal programming (Kafatou-Haeusermann, Maria)
- The New British Constitution (Bogdanor, Vernon)
- The Origins of Political Order (Fukuyama, Francis)
- The Oxford Guide to United States Supreme Court Decisions
- The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law
- The Oxford Handbook of European Union Law (Arnull, Anthony)
- The Oxford Handbook of International Relations
- The Oxford Handbook of the Theory of International Law
- The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History, Vol. 1
- The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History, Vol. 2
- The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History, Vol. 3
- The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History, Vol. 4
- The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History, Vol. 5
- The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History, Vol. 6
- The Penguin history of modern China (Fenby, Jonathan)
- The Philosophy of Free Will
- The philosophy of international law
- The political systems of empires (Eisenstadt, Shemuel Noaòh)
- The proposed Common European Sales Law (Alpa, Guido [Hrsg.])
- The Province of Jurisprudence Determined (Austin, John)
- The public and its problems (Dewey, John)
- The Public Nature of Private Property
- The reception and transmission of civil procedural law in the global society (Deguchi, Masahisa;Storme, Marcel)
- The religious system of China (Groot, Jan de)
- The return of history and the end of dreams (Kagan, Robert)
- The Rghts of War and Peace, Vol I (Grotius, Hugo)
- The Rghts of War and Peace, Vol I (Grotius, Hugo)
- The Rghts of War and Peace, Vol II (Grotius, Hugo)
- The rise and decline of the state (Van Creveld, Martin L.)
- The Role of Law in European Integration (Möllers, Thomas M. J.)
- The Role of Law in european Integration (Möllers, Thomas M.J.)
- The search for modern China (Spence, Jonathan D.)
- The Search for Modern China
- The sleepwalkers (Clark, Christopher M.)
- The Spirit of Corporate Law (Roth, Günter H)
- The Spirit of Traditional Chinese Law (MacCormack, Geoffrey)
- The Stanley Fish reader (Fish, Stanley Eugene)
- The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Smith, Adam)
- The Tragedy of Liberation (Dikötter, Frank)
- The Treaty on European Union (TEU). - 1., 2013 (Blanke, Herm.-Josef [Hrsg.])
- The troubled empire (Brook, Timothy)
- The United States and China (Fairbank, John King)
- The World of Thought in Ancient China (Schwartz, Benjamin Isadore)
- The World Trade Organization (Arup, Christopher Jon)
- Das theologisch-politische Problem (Meier, Heinrich)
- Théorie de la fédération (Beaud, Olivier)
- Theorie der Grundrechte (Alexy, Robert)
- Die Theorie der Institutionen (Hauriou, Maurice)
- Theorie der juristischen Argumentation (Alexy, Robert)
- Theorie der Rechtsgewinnung (Kriele, Martin)
- Theorie der Wortlautgrenze (Klatt, Matthias)
- Theorie des französischen Verwaltungsrechts (Mayer, Otto)
- Theorie des Partisanen (Schmitt, Carl)
- Theorien der europäischen Integration (Bieling, Hans-Jürgen)
- Theorien der Gerechtigkeit (Heidenreich, Felix)
- Theorien der Macht zur Einführung (Anter, Andreas)
- Theorien der sozialen Gerechtigkeit (Kersting, Wolfgang)
- Thibaut und Savigny (Hattenhauer, Hans [Hrsg.])
- Thomas Hobbes (Schelsky, Helmut)
- Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan. - 2. Aufl.
- Das Tier in Ethik und Recht (Hager, Günter)
- Titel (Beispiel, Boris)
- Todsicher oder die erstaunlichsten Fälle der Rechtsmedizin
- Tombstone (Yang, Jisheng)
- Toward better governance in China
- Towards a European Civil Code (Hartkamp, Arthur)
- Towards a European Contract Law
- Towards a European Legal Culture
- Tradition und Verfassungsrecht (Leisner, Walter Georg)
- Training TestDAF (Kniffka, Gabriele;_Gutzat, Bärbel)
- Transatlantic Whistleblowing (Gerdemann, Simon)
- Die Transformation des Humanen (Hagner, Michael/ Hörl, Erich)
- Transformationen des Staates?
- Transitionsstrafrecht und Vergangenheitspolitik (Eser, Albin)
- Der transnationale Geltungsbereich des deutschen Strafrechts: Grundlagen und Grenzen der Geltung des deutschen Strafrechts für (Jeßberger, Florian)
- Transportrecht (Koller, Ingo)
- Der Traum meines ganzen Lebens (Biermann, Werner)
- Treff mit Trimmel (Werremeier, Friedhelm)
- Treu und Glauben und Effizienz (Lange, Christian)
- Treuhandrecht als Gesellschaftsrecht (Geibel, Stefan J.)
- Trial of Modernity (Xu, Xiaoqun)
- Tschick (Herrdorf, Wolfgang)
- Die Tübinger Schule der Interessenjurisprudenz (Kallfaß, Wilfried)
- Twentieth-Century German Political Thought (Stirk, Peter M.R.)
- Two treatises of government (Locke, John)
- Typizität als Strukturprinzip des Privatrechts (Kern, Christoph A.)
- Typus und Rechtsfindung (Leenen, Detlef)
- Typus und Rechtsfindung (Leenen, Detlef)
- Die Tyrannei der Werte (Schmitt, Carl)