A Clockwork Orange
In this nightmare vision of a not-too-distant future, fifteen-year-old Alex and his three friends rob, rape, torture and murder - for fun. Alex is jailed for his vicious crimes and the State undertakes to reform him - but how and at what cost?
Serie / Reihe: Reclams Rote Reihe
Personen: Burgess, Anthony Melchior, Claus
Burgess, Anthony:
¬A¬ Clockwork Orange / Anthony Burgess. - 1998. - Stuttgart : Reclam, 1992. - 260 S. - (Reclams Rote Reihe; Universal-Biblio. Nr. 9281)
Einheitssacht.: ¬Die¬ Uhrwerk-Orange
ISBN 978-3-15-009281-1 Tb. : DM 11,00
Fiction - Signatur: E Fic Burge - Buch