Fleischer, Gerald
Evolutionary Principles of the Mammalian Middle Ear Habilitations-Schrift at the School of Medicine; Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Fed.Rep. of Germany

Serie / Reihe: Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology

Personen: Fleischer, Gerald

Standort: Lesesaal

Fleischer, Gerald:
Evolutionary Principles of the Mammalian Middle Ear : Habilitations-Schrift at the School of Medicine; Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Fed.Rep. of Germany / Gerald Fleischer. - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 1978. - 70 S. : with 25 Figures + Heft "Über d. Verankerung d. Stapes i. Ohr d. Cetacea u. Sirenia". - (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology; Vol. 55 - Fasc. 5). - m. pers. Widm. d. Autors
ISBN 978-3-540-09140-0 Heft

Zugangsnummer: 2009/0530 - Barcode: 2-5010075-8-00000725-2
Evolution - Signatur: Bio Evo Fleis - Buch