Chambers, Aidan
The present takers know your enemy...

Lucy Hall's life is being made an utter misery by Melanie Prosser and her two bullying sidekicks - the present takers - who hassle and threaten her every day at the school gate for presents and money. Too ashamed to tell her parents, and too scared to tell her teacher, Lucy finds an unexpected ally in scruffy Angus Burns who knows exactly what's been going on. When push comes to shove, and things start to get really nasty for Lucy, there's only one thing to do: take on the present takers at their own game, to silence them once and for all.

Serie / Reihe: A Red Fox book

Personen: Chambers, Aidan

Schlagwörter: Schule Jugendbuch Gewalttätigkeit Konfliktlösung

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Chambers, Aidan:
¬The present takers : know your enemy... / Aidan Chambers. - 1994. - London : Red Fox, 1983. - 173 S. - (A Red Fox book)
ISBN 978-0-09-999160-1 Tb. : £ 2,99

Zugangsnummer: 2011/0421 - Barcode: 2-5010075-8-00001466-3
Young-adult fiction - Signatur: E YA Chamb - Buch