Highlighting the skills and considerations needed to manage products, this book will also help readers to understand processes such as product development, the supply chain and branding. It examines traditional and newer roles within the industry, discussing the roles of buyers, retailers and merchandisers. Interviews, photographs and case studies combine to make this an exciting and current career guide.
Serie / Reihe: Basics fashion management 01
Personen: Grose, Virginia
Standort: BSP
QQ 400 G877-01
Grose, Virginia [Verfasser]:
Concept To Customer / Virginia Grose. - Lausanne, Switzerland : AVA Pub., 2012. - 176 Seiten : Illustrationen, graphische Darstellung. - (Basics fashion management; 01)
ISBN 978-2-940411-84-9 kartoniert : EUR 28.99
Spezielle Betriebswirtschaftslehren - Buch