Hellmanzik, Christiane
Cultural economics

An introductory guide to the contribution to and role of the creative industries and their products and services in the overall economy.

The cultural industries and their products and services make a significant contribution to the global economy and are seen as strategic sectors for sustainable economic growth. However, industries such as art, design, film, music, performing arts, publishing, television and radio, present particular challenges for economic analysis. They can be goods or services that are both public and private, protected by copyright and freely available, consumed and created, as well as susceptible to fashion and technological development.

In this fascinating introduction to the cultural economy, Christiane Hellmanzik examines the market for creative work and reveals the economic relationships between human creativity, intellectual property and technology. Through the careful use of case studies, the book explores the core economic considerations such as supply and demand, competition and pricing, alongside macro trends such as globalization, digitalization and the internet, which are changing the industry's business models.

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Personen: Hellmanzik, Christiane

Standort: BSP Drontheimer

Schlagwörter: Kulturwirtschaft Kulturindustrie Economic aspects Kulturökonomik Cultural industries Arts / Economic aspects

QR 750 H477

Hellmanzik, Christiane [Verfasser]:
Cultural economics / Christiane Hellmanzik. - Newcastle upon Tyne : Agenda Publishing, 2020. - vii, 146 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 21 cm
ISBN 978-1-78821-161-1 Festeinband : EUR 93,50

Zugangsnummer: 00010916 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00019573-7
Gewerbepolitik. Einzelne Wirtschaftszweige - Buch