Paulins, V. Ann
Ethics in the fashion industry

Learn how to make ethical decisions on a daily basis.
This second edition of Ethics in the Fashion Industry continues to document the relationships between functions in the fashion industry and the people who make these functions happen. Covering topics such as corporate social responsibility, social media, social compliance audits, diversity, and human rights, this book empowers students who will soon become fashion professionals to make good decisions. Whether debating issues like factory conditions, fair wages, fast fashions, or designer knock-offs, shoplifting, and controversial advertising, Ethics in the Fashion Industry gives you the tools to do the right thing.

New to this Edition:
Box Features: In each chapter you will find three key boxes that call your attention to current ethical practices. Ethics in the Industry highlights relevant industry practices relating to ethics; Ethics in the News analyzes recent reporting on ethics; and Ethics in Practice profiles present industry professionals' and fashion scholars' work in the context of the chapter's topic. Case Studies: Each chapter ends with two Case Studies that facilitate exploration of current and relevant industry activities into the knowledge-building process, allowing students to think critically on scenarios that may present themselves in the course of their careers. New Insights: The responsibility that millennials, Gen Xers, and Gen Nexters have in positioning not only the fashion industry, but the planet itself, for a healthy future cannot go unobserved. This second edition includes new insights about generational behaviors and perspectives in making ethical decisions, in addition to the role that consumers play in shaping fashion industry decisions. Ethics in the Fashion Industry STUDIO

1. Ethics in Everyday Life
2. Positioning Fashion Companies To Meet Today's Consumer Demands
3. Corporate Culture
4. Management, Supervision, and Workplace Issues
5. Processes and Pitfalls in Fashion Design and Product Development
6. Manufacturing and Sourcing Fashion Products in a Global Industry
7. Advertising and Promotion
8. Selling: Decisions, Practices, and Professional Ethics

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Personen: Paulins, V. Ann Hillery, Julie L.

Standort: BSP Drontheimer

Schlagwörter: Fashion Business ethics Business ethics&social responsibility Clothing trade Social responsibility of business Moral and ethical aspects

LH 79066 P328-01 (2)

Paulins, V. Ann [Verfasser]:
Ethics in the fashion industry / V. Ann Paulins ; Julie L. Hillery. - 2., Auflage. - New York : Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020. - XVI, 196 Seiten : Illustrationen
ISBN 978-1-5013-4249-3 kartoniert : EUR 99,50

Zugangsnummer: 00008530 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00017696-5
Kunstgeschichte, Dias-Sammlungen, Kunstpostkarten-Sammlungen - Buch