Müller-Roterberg, Christian
Handbook of business model innovation tips & tools on how to innovate business models

New business models are supposed to provide answers to never-asked questions about problems that everyone is waiting for solutions to. This book is for founders and managers who may deal with innovations of business models directly or indirectly. You will find countless tips, recommendations, checklists and methods in this book on how to identify, analyze, develop, change and manage new business models.

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Personen: Müller-Roterberg, Christian

Standort: BSP

Schlagwörter: Wachstum Ideen Business plan Business ideas Innovations

QC 340 M947-01

Müller-Roterberg, Christian [Verfasser]:
Handbook of business model innovation : tips & tools on how to innovate business models / Christian Müller-Roterberg. - Norderstedt : BoD - Books on Demand, 2020. - 336 Seiten : Tabellen. - New business models are supposed to provide answers to never-asked questions about problems that everyone is waiting for solutions to. This book is for founders and managers who may deal with innovations of business models directly or indirectly. You will find countless tips, recommendations, checklists and methods in this book on how to identify, analyze, develop, change and manage new business models.
ISBN 978-3-7526-7401-9 kartoniert : EUR 24,99

Zugangsnummer: 00013264 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00015873-2
Wirtschaftstheorie, einschließlich Geldtheorie - Buch