Carvill, Michelle
Sustainable Marketing how to drive profits with purpose

In the modern age of authenticity and transparency, consumers are no longer content with brands that are dismissive of, or even apathetic to, sustainability. Brands are now expected to convey understanding and concern when it comes to matters such as climate change, carbon footprints and employee welfare. Most importantly of all, they must be genuinely committed to these standpoints - remaining consistent and proactive in their principles. With the rise of more conscious consumers and the belief-driven buyer, organizations ignore sustainability and the spirit of 'doing good' at their own peril.

From three marketing experts with decades of experience between them, Sustainable Marketing delivers the new benchmark for modern marketing. This book clarifies the importance of the sustainable approach before providing a comprehensive guide to implementing, driving and maintaining these practices in any organization. A must-read for any business leader or marketing executive, this is a unique and fascinating blend of academic research and practical case studies that will kick-start and inspire sustainable initiatives.

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Personen: Carvill, Michelle Butler, Gemma Evans, Geraint

Standort: BSP Drontheimer

Schlagwörter: Leadership sustainability Stakeholder Engagement Sustainable Supply Chain Management

QP 600 C331-01

Carvill, Michelle [Verfasser]:
Sustainable Marketing : how to drive profits with purpose / Michelle Carvill ; Gemma Butler ; Geraint Evans. - London : Bloomsbury Business, 2021. - XV, 304 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-4729-7913-1 Festeinband : EUR 24,90

Zugangsnummer: 00010946 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00019600-0
Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre - Buch