ZaöRV 2003/02 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht


Beyond the 2002 Johannesburg World Summit: Perspectives on International Environmental Law

Beyerlin/Reichard: The Johannisburg Summit: Outcome and Overall Assessment S. 213

Climate Change and Energy
Bothe: The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - an Unprecedented Multilevel Regulatory Challenge S. 239

Brunnée: The Kyoto Protocol: Testing Ground for Compliance Theories? S. 255

Marauhn: A Global Energy Strategy as a Viable Means for Redressing Climate Change? S. 281

Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
von Hahn: Implementation and Further Development of the Biodiversity Convention: Access to Genetic Resources, Benefit Sharing and Traditional Knowledge of Indigenous and Local Communities S. 295

Böckenförde: The Operationalization of the Precautionary Approach in International Environmental Law Treaties - Enhancement or Fa?ade Ten Years after Rio? S. 313

Reeve: Enhancing the International Regime for Protecting Endangered Species: The Example of CITES S. 333

Edeson: Sustainable Use of Marine Living Resources S. 355

Epiney: Sustainable Use of Freshwater Resources S. 377

Schulte zu Sodingen: Sustainable Forest Management - Progresses since Rio and Challenges for the Future S. 397

Beyerlin: Sustainable Use of Natural Resources - A Key to Combating Poverty S. 417

Establishing Good Environmental Governance
Stoll: How to Overcome the Dichotomy between the Rules and MEAs? S. 439

Gupta: The Role of Non-State Actors in International Environmental Affairs S. 459

Sand: Information Disclosure as an Instrument of Environmental Governance S. 487

Financing Sustainable Development
Matz: New Strategies for Environmental Financing? S. 503

Baker Röben/Röben: Institutional Aspects of Financing Sustainable Development after the Johannesburg Summit S. 517

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Serie / Reihe: 63. Jahrgang 2

Standort: BSP Jura

Schlagwörter: Völkerrecht Öffentliches Recht Ausländisches Recht

PR 1000

ZaöRV 2003/02 : Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht. - Stuttgart [u. a.] : Kohlhammer, 2003. - 214-550 Seiten. - (63. Jahrgang; 2)
0044-2348-2003-002 kartoniert

Zugangsnummer: 00012275 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00018859-3
Völkerrecht - Zeitschriftenheft