Singen wie die Superstars - Das Casting-Buch

Ain't No Sunshine Angels Back for Good Can't fight the moonlight Fallin' Fame Family Portrait Genie in a bottle Hero How do i live I'm with you I will survive Just like a pill Let me entertain you Life is a rollercoaster My heart will go on My way Over the rainbow

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Serie / Reihe: You're the voice

Schlagwörter: Noten Songs Playback Texte

Interessenkreis: Pop-Musik

Singen wie die Superstars - Das Casting-Buch / Vorwort u. Tipps von Jo Thompson. - London : International Music Publications Ltd., 2003. - 76 S. + 1 CD. - (You're the voice; special edition)
ISBN 978-1-84328-621-9 kart. : 13,95 Euro

Zugangsnummer: 0012851001 - Barcode: 2-0000000-8-00017893-8
K 342 - Signatur: K 343 Sin - Sachbuch