Macrone, Michael
By Jove Brush up your Mythology
Schöne Literatur

Meet the myriad gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines, beasts and monsters, and magical places that have lent their names and stoies to our language in "By Jove!", a fun and informative journey through the world of classical mythology.

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Serie / Reihe: Schöningh-Schulbuch

Personen: Macrone, Michael

Schlagwörter: Mythologie Nachschlagewerk

Interessenkreis: Englisch Englischsprachig Nachschlagewerk

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Macrone, Michael:
By Jove : Brush up your Mythology / Michael Macrone. - New York : Harper Collins, 1993. - 237 S. ill. - (Schöningh-Schulbuch; .)
ISBN 978-1-85793-120-4

Zugangsnummer: 0004424001 - Barcode: 00044107
E Lern - Schöne Literatur